2024 Conference Schedule
Sacred Rituals and Rites for Water Orisas
Iya Osunsina Alaje, Baba Efunwale Ali, Iya Dr. Sheriden Booker
Moderator: Iya Daria Graham
This panel discusses the sacred rituals and rites for Orisa derived from water. It will delve into the history and philosophy of Yoruba spirituality by exploring the sacred rituals and ceremonies dedicated to the water Orisas: Yemonja, Oya, Oshun, Obba, Olokun, and Orisa Aje. This enlightening panel invites participants to connect with the divine energies of these powerful Orisas known for their roles in fertility, transformation, abundance, and the mysteries of the sea.
Throughout the session, esteemed practitioners and spiritual leaders will share their insights on the significance of each Orisa, highlighting their unique attributes and the rituals that honor them. Participants will learn about traditional offerings, songs, oriki, prayer, and meditative practices that facilitate communion with these Orisas, specifically how their connection to water is significant as they manifest in the world. Engage in a discussion that explores the historical and cultural contexts of these rituals, as well as their relevance in spiritual practices. It will also explore how we can strengthen the connection between human beings and the water as manifested in Orisas derived from and owners of bodies of water.
Attendees will also be able to participate in a guided ritual, fostering a deeper connection to the essence of the Water Orisas. Whether you are new to Yoruba traditions or seeking to deepen your understanding, this workshop promises to be a sacred journey into the heart of spirituality, community, and the nurturing power of water. Join us to honor the divine feminine, celebrate abundance, and embrace the transformative energies of the Water Orisas.
Healing Waters of Omi/Ero(s) The Mental Health Approach
Baba Brandon Rosser
Building of bathes, teas,pultices+water based herbal pararations@Water + value consciousness/rain, river, ocean, dew, thunder, snow, first rains, ice waters blessed waters as well as colored waters + there symbolism/values in healing!
Presentation about Egbe Iwa Inc. Rites of Passage Program
Baba David Sosa and Iya Faizah "Trini" Perry will be honoring us with a presentation on EGBE IWA Rites of Passage and Cultural Mentoring Program. Which has served the community since its inception in 2002. Our Yoruba name indicates we are a Society (of Young People) of Character. With over 88 Alumni and a robust and dedicated community.
The Divinity Within: Water - The Great Reconciler
Iya Renee Smith
The Divinity Within: Water - The Great Reconciler is a collective exploration into the power of water as an ancestor and its ability to be a container and conduit for our intentions. Every time we bathe, we drink and we wash with water, we are engaging in a spirit that is older than time. As a collective, we will explore the medicine that is water and how we can intentionally engage with it to create opportunities for transformation and transmutation. We will explore the importance of balancing the divinity within through ritual and practice and how this divinity assists with us connecting to the spiritual consciousness of water.
Collaborative Initiatives for Water Security and Social Justice
Baba Anthony Adejuwon, Iya Kemba Mchawi, Iyalorixa Melissa McHenry
Moderator: Iya Dr. Marta Moreno Vega
This panel will showcase collaborative initiatives and partnerships between Orisa communities, NGOs, nonprofits, government agencies, and academic institutions to address water security and social justice concerns. Panelists will share success stories, challenges, and lessons learned from ongoing projects and initiatives. Discussions will center around the importance of community-led approaches, knowledge exchange, and policy advocacy in achieving water security, and environmental and social justice within communities where Orisa practitioners reside.
Water as a Sacred Mirror: Exploring The Hidden Messages in Water and the Yoruba Concept of Omi Tutu
Dr. Dré Cleveland
This workshop will explore Dr. Masaru Emoto's work on the Hidden Messages of Water and the implications this work has regarding the importance of water in our tradition as Orisha practitioners and in our lives as a whole as we discover how to use the concepts in Dr. Emoto's work to heal ourselves and how we manifest, from within.
Water and Climate Change in the Orisa Tradition: Exploring the impacts, challenges, and strategies for change
Dr. Marta Moreno Vega, Iya Nicola Shirley-Phillips, Chief Princess AdeDoyin Talabi Faniyi, Iya Mel Adun, and Oluko Taiwo Aderemi
Moderator Iya Dr. Sheriden Booker
This panel will discuss the historical and contemporary relationship between water, climate change, and the Orisa tradition. Panelists will examine the impact of climate change on water resources, including sea-level rise, droughts, and extreme weather events, and its implications for the Orisa tradition. Discussions will focus on the challenges Orisa communities face in adapting to climate change and preserving their cultural and spiritual practices related to water. This panel will also explore the dimensions of water access within Orisa communities in Nigeria, Brazil, the Caribbean, and the United States. Panelists will discuss the unequal distribution of water resources, particularly in marginalized communities, and the implications for social justice.
This panel will also discuss some of the implications of pollution and extraction methods happening in some of our sacred spaces, including oceans and rivers, specifically the Oshun Grove River in Osogbo, Nigeria. Discussions will center the importance of answering some much-needed questions around how this affects our practices and what our responsibility is as a community. What do we understand politically, and how do we align with elders, leaders, and members of communities to address these issues?

Water, Remind Me to Breathe
Baba Oludare Bernard
In this 10 minute performance, Baba Oludaré explores how water & breathing bring him back to Ori: consciousness during bouts of depression, self sabotage, and fear. Pulling from core rituals from the igbodu of Regla de Ocha- the sacred ceremonial room of Orisha, Lukumi, Baba Oludaré sings, dances, and rattles away the illusion of despair and brings life, light and a steady fire to the space. From your chair, Baba Oludaré invites you to breathe with your Ori while he breathes with his. After the performance, stay for a short discussion about Baba Oludare’s work.

Mysteries of Olokun Practices in the Diaspora with Baba Solomon Osundara Omojie
The lecture on the mysteries of Olokun, a deity central to Yoruba tradition, promises to be an enlightening exploration of the depths of oceanic wisdom and cultural significance. This session will delve into the rich narratives surrounding Olokun, who embodies the essence of the sea, wealth, and fertility, connecting the spiritual and physical realms.
Attendees will be introduced to the historical context of Olokun, tracing his roots through ancient Yoruba mythology and examining the various interpretations of his character across different cultures. The lecture will highlight Olokun’s dual nature, representing both the nurturing and destructive forces of the ocean, thus serving as a powerful symbol of balance in the natural world.
Participants will engage with stories and folklore that illustrate Olokun’s significance. The discussion will include the various rituals and offerings made to honor this deity, emphasizing the importance of water in spiritual practices.
Through interactive elements, the audience will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and insights related to Olokun, fostering a deeper understanding of how ancient beliefs continue to resonate in contemporary spiritual practices. By the end of the lecture, participants will leave with a newfound appreciation for Olokun’s mysteries and the vital role he plays in the tapestry of African spirituality, emphasizing the interconnectedness of nature, culture, and identity.

Water: The Portal of our Destiny Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade
Being made of more than 60% water, we begin our earth journey shaped by our mother’s water/womb. We will discuss the transformative power of water as we use it to heal ourselves and the planet.
Welcome and Introduction of Keynote
We are exited to introduce this year’s Keynote Speaker Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade.

Libation and Morning prayer/meditation
Chief Oluwo Carl Ifa Yinka Fainfar: Libation
Baba Kevin Greene: Opening Prayer/Meditation